Safeguarding is an extremely important part of what we do at Cooksey’s Combat Club. We pride ourselves on being the home of the underdogs, and to be that we ensure we keep every single person in our room safe. Be that from external factors outside of the gym, issues within the gym, your head coach Callum Cooksey is your first port of contact as the Designated Safeguarding Lead of the club. “I am easily available at all hours of the day and encourage any members of the team, or parents, to get in contact with me at ANY TIME either in person, via email at or on 07551980487. If there is any issue you don’t feel comfortable to bring to my attention for whatever reason, we have provided you with an escalation flowchart and our safeguarding policy, ensuring you have the details for the LADO and the BMABA in the case of any serious concerns. You’ll find these documents attached directly below this paragraph. Please speak up, we actively WANT to safeguard you, don’t feel like you’re on your own, you never are with our team alongside you.” If you’re a part of the squad you’ll know myself, for anyone who’s joining, I’m the one pictured throwing the high kick. Always available if you need me.
CCC Safeguarding Escalation Flowchart